🔸 On what fabrics can I print using Speedball’s Fabric Screen Printing Inks?
Fabrics that do not possess a large amount of stretch are best for use with Speedball’s Fabric Screen Printing Inks. Cotton, Linen, Broadcloth, Denim & Canvas are examples of ideal fabrics for use. Nylon is not recommended for use with Speedball’s Fabric Screen Printing Inks.
🔸 Can I print on anything other than fabric using Speedball’s Fabric Screen Printing Inks?
Yes! In addition to fabric, Speedball’s Fabric Screen Printing Inks print well on paper and cardboard.
🔸 Are Speedball’s Fabric Screen Printing Inks permanent on fabrics after printing?
After being properly heat set, Speedball’s Fabric Screen Printing Inks will remain permanent on fabrics after printing. To heat set, use iron as directed on product packaging. Use of dryers, even commercial dryers, is not recommended as settings do not consistently reach temperatures high enough to properly heat set the inks on the fabric.
🔸 What do I need to use for cleanup after printing with Speedball Fabric Screen Printing Inks?
Speedball Fabric Screen Printing Inks clean up easily with soap and water.
You can find the Product Safety Data Sheet here.