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    Jacquard Pinata High Gloss Varnish - Top Coat for Alcohol Inks 4oz

    Pinata High Gloss Varnish is a game-changing durable protective topcoat for alcohol inks for any surface. The only non-toxic, one-part varnish available that is compatible with alcohol inks, it cures to a crystal clear, non-yellowing gloss that provides a uniform finish to artwork. Easy to use and clean up.
    Availability: In stock
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    Pinata High Gloss Varnish by Jacquard is a game-changing durable protective topcoat for alcohol inks for any surface. The only non-toxic, one-part varnish available that is compatible with alcohol inks, it cures to a crystal clear, non-yellowing gloss that provides a uniform finish to artwork. Easy to use and clean up.

    👉 Features:

    • Highly transparent
    • Self-leveling
    • Won't re-wet or smear alcohol inks
    • Cleans up with water or alcohol

    ✅ Can be used with alcohol inks on any surface.

    📐 Contains: 4 oz (118 ml)